Born and raised in Alberta, Leo grew up with parents of European decent (Greek and Austrian).  After managing a kitchen in two different restaurants, Leo went onto working in a metal fabrication shop as a welder/fabricator.  This gave him the opportunity to work with the public and clientele for over 20 years.  At the same time, he also operated his own business in Custom Stainless Steel Accessories ranging from jewelry to custom motorcycle and car parts.  

These experiences of working with people from a variety of social backgrounds proved valuable to him.  He noticed that a number of people tend to struggle in their lives, personally and professionally.  He realized that one needs to communicate honestly with oneself before positive communication can occur with others.
Knowing this, Leo enrolled in a self-help course where he had the honour of meeting his teacher Hermann Muller, founder of The Australasian Institute of Body Mind Analysis and Psychosomatic Therapy. Leo realized he found what he was looking for and continued on to receive his Practitioner’s Certificate III in the field of Psychosomatic Therapy plus his Master Practitioner’s Certificate and Diploma in Teaching Psychosomatic Therapy.  Leo has obtained his goal and desire to help others by sharing his knowledge and working with individuals wishing to learn a new understanding of communication.  His ability to help people understand themselves and communicate with others has been paramount in their growth, personally and spiritually.  

With the warmth from his heart, he will help guide you through this exciting transition to a wonderful understanding and way of being.  It doesn't matter what work you do or what your belief system is, he will work with you to attain a healthy Body/Mind.

“As you learn, so do I, for one never stops learning while we are still alive.”

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  • (R.I.H.R) Registered In Human Relations 
  • Master Practitioner in Psychosomatic Therapy
  • Diploma in Teaching Psychosomatic Therapy
  • Member of the Australasian Board of Psychosomatic Therapy Inc.
  • Member of the Canadian Examining Board of Health Care Practitioners
Leo Trenker
Lethbridge, Alberta